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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TECHNO II Project, Erasmus Mundus Partnership


The first call for mobility will open from September 1st to October 31rd - call was plolonged !

Please check and prepare carefully all documents required – see “Compulsory documents" and "Applications". Only fully completed applications will be considered.  The PhD 36 months positions will be selected next December for the mobility started during the first semester of 2013.

Euro-Asia partnership to promote Engineering Technology Education and Research Exchanges (TECHNO) is an Erasmus Mundus Action Two Partnership (EMA2) of European and South-East Asian Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Associations aiming at fostering mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and South-East Asia (EACEA Lot 10 Asia  East), through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level and to co-operate in the following program activities:

    Mobility of undergraduate and graduate students
    Mobility of PhD students
    Post-doc mobility
    Academic and administrative staff mobility
EACEA Lot 10 involves : (Partners HEI of TECHNO2 are belonging to countries in bold face in list below)

Group A: Cambodia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos.
Group B: Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Thailand, China, North Korea
The types of mobility to be funded are:

For students: undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate mobility opportunities
For academic staff: exchanges for the purposes of teaching, practical training and research

This project is to give South-East Asian students and staff the possibility to go to a European University to improve, enrich, learn, experience, .... their own knowledge and skills.

Please bear in mind that the scholarships are only granted to South-East Asian students and staff coming to Europe.

The grant covers:

    Monthly subsistence allowance
    Travel ticket
    Tuition fee

subsequent information click here

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