Portal Kompetisi dan Beasiswa punya info kompetisi paper internasional ni, yuk ikutan kompetisinya ya.
[International Paper Competition]
Hello Millennials๐
International Paper Competition is a prestigious event that will surely enhance your skills! and IT IS NOW OPEN✨
This time FoA held an International Paper Competition with the theme "Optimalization of Natural Resources Using Digital and Technology to Create Sustainable Agroindustry" and the subthemes are: Technology and Renewable energy, Environment, Food Technology, and Health.
Registration starts July 15 - August 15, 2020
Registration can be downloaded at bit.ly/RegistrationFOA2020
Guidebook can be downloaded at bit.ly/GuidebookIPC2020
So, don't miss this opportunity ๐
Find us more on:
Line@ : @mtk0448i
Instagram : @foaipb @himaloginipb
Contact Person :
Winda Kartika
Sang Ayu Made
๐(089698563313)/ tandewi10