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Monday, September 7, 2020

CALL FOR ESSAY Indonesian Challenge on Economic Ideas (ICEI)

Portal Kompetisi dan Beasiswa Membagikan info lomba terbaru nih. Yuk pada ikutan ya.

Deadline 15 Oktober 2020⁣⁣

Indonesian Challenge on Economic Ideas (ICEI) is one of the 15th FSDE series of events held by Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi (HIMIESPA) FEB UGM⁣

If you are:⁣
1. An undergraduate student from all over Indonesia;⁣
2. ready to team up with one other person;⁣
3. have a genuine passion in writing⁣

Then this is a perfect opportunity for you! ⁣

No need to worry here cause this year's ICEI will be held fully online!⁣

Also, you don't need to pay any cents in order to participate, IT'S TOTALLY FREE and you have a chance to win the prize that consists of:⁣
IDR 3,000,000 for #1 Champion⁣
IDR 2,000,000 for the second place⁣
IDR 1,500,000 for the third place⁣
IDR 500,000 for the best essay⁣

Let's #WriteItOut now, for the deadline is approaching! Who knows two months would pass so fast? Sign yourself up now!⁣

For further information, read the guideline at⁣

Instagram @fsde.ugm


1 comment:

  1. menangkan uang sebanyak-banyaknya hanya di AJOQQ :D
    AJOQQ menyediakan 9 permainan seru :)
