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*ISTECH 2021 Proudly Presents*
_Virtual Conference_
๐ฌ : Zoom Meeting
๐ March 13-14th, 2021
๐ *Indonesian Local Wisdom: Potentials and Challenges* ๐
๐คSpeakers Section๐ค
*Keynote Speaker:*
Dr. Warsito Purwo Taruno (Chairman of MITI)
⏰ March, 13th 2021 (GMT +7)
➡️Prof. Suzuki Yasuyuki
_" Management of Innovation and Technology as The Key to Accelerating National Development"_
⏰ March, 13th 2021 (GMT +7)
➡️ Dr. Sastia Prama Putri
_"Maximizing The Potentials and Challenges"_
⏰ March, 13th 2021 (GMT +7)
➡️ Dr. Fithra Faisal
_"Creative Problem Solving Based on Local Wisdom in the Era of Disruption 4.0"_
⏰ March, 14th 2021 (GMT +7)
➡️ Prof. Ir. Mukhtasor M. Eng., Ph.D.
"Accelerating Indonesia as A Global Maritime Fulcrum "
⏰ March, 14th 2021 (GMT +7)
*Registration Fee and Payment*
๐ฐ _IDR 15.000_ (Undergraduate, partner, and paper coaching clinic participant)
๐ฐ _IDR 20.000_ (General participat)
๐ How to Register :
1. Make a payment through :
๐ง (BNI Syariah)
08277944291 a.n Syifa Qolbiyah Nasir
2. As one of the registration requirements. Please kindly share the flyer of the 1st ISTECH Webinar Session. You have to publish the information by tagging your colleagues on Instagram post (https://www.instagram.com/p/CLjm1BtMIpD/?igshid=1282utqueqg59) / posting on Instagram story / sharing on WhatsApp.
3. Filling out a Google Form
๐ฉLink for Registration https://bit.ly/seminarsessionISTECH2021
Benefits for participant:
1. E- Certificate
2. Doorprize
3. Seminar Booklet
4. Knowledge from great and professional speakers
082123492022 (Hilmy)
Organized by @mitiklastermahasiswa
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